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Mother and Daughter at Read to Fly Event

Estudillo Eagles "Read to Fly"!

Estudillo Elementary had an amazing turnout of parents who joined their children for a special “Read to Fly” event on January 17. The morning included a brief assembly and, of course, lots of time to read books!
Calendar of school dates

2024-2025 Important Dates

📅Mark your calendar📅

Take note of the 2024-2025 School Breaks, Holidays and Non Student Days!



Time: 9:30 AM – 11 AM
Location: District Office, 2045 S. San Jacinto Ave, San Jacinto CA 92583

Board Meeting

Time: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Location: District Office, 2045 S. San Jacinto Ave, San Jacinto CA 92583
  • 7 Habits
  • 724 Student "Future Leaders"
  • 1 Nest