Bullying Prevention
The Board of Trustees and Estudillo Elementary recognizes the harmful effects of bullying on student well-being, student learning and school attendance and desires to provide a safe school environment that protects students from physical and emotional harm.
At Estudillo, we practice the Leader In Me 7 Habits that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century.
We incorporate the 7 Habits with our research-based Second Step curriculum Bullying Prevention lessons that are provided throughout the school year by our School Counselor and reinforced by staff.
Recognizing Bullying
Bullying is/a…
- Harmful act(s) toward someone else
- On purpose
- Unfair and one-sided
Examples of Bullying:
- Physical: Hurting someone’s body or belongings, like hitting, kicking, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking their belongings
- Verbal: Saying or writing hurtful things; like teasing, name-calling, or threats to hurt them
- Social/Relational: Harming a kids relationships; like leaving a person out of a game on purpose, telling others not to be friends with someone
- Cyber Bullying: sending hurtful/hateful messages; on chromebooks, phones or tablets or by posting on social apps (like TikTok or on video games)
Reporting Bullying
- Report ALL types of bullying to an adult, when it is happening to you or someone else and you can’t stop it.
- Be assertive:
- Stand up tall
- Face the adult you are reporting to
- Speak in a strong and respectful voice
Refusing Bullying
- Refuse means not to let something happen
- You can say “no, stop it’
- You can also use a signal that means stop
- Be assertive to refuse bullying when it happens to you or to someone else
- Stand up tall
- Face the person you are talking to
- Speak in a strong and respectful voice
- Let them know that bullying is not ok
Refusing Cyber Bullying
- Be assertive to refuse cyber bullying when it happens to you or to someone else
- We can stand up for ourselves and others by blocking cyber bullies so they can't chat with us anymore
- Report them by telling the school, the app, and a trusted adult about the cyber bullying behavior
- We want to make sure that we are all safe online!
Bystander Power
- Bystanders are the people who see or know that any type of bullying is happening to someone else
- A lot of the times, bullying happens when adults are not around but there are probably bystanders around
- Bystanders have a lot of power to help stop ALL types of bullying
- Remember: you have to be safe and respectful when refusing any kind of bullying or you can make the problem worse
Be kind to others.
Include students who are left out.
Help anyone that is being bullied.
If someone is being bullied, tell an adult at school and an adult at home.
Helpful Tips for Parents
- Help kids understand what bullying is
- Keep lines of communication open with your child, teacher and school staff
- Model for kids on how to treat others with kindness and respect at all times
San Jacinto USD’s Bullying Prevention Protocols and Policies