Principal's Message

August 2024

Dear Eagle Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to start a new school year and look forward to a safe and successful year at “The Nest.” I hope our Eagles families have enjoyed their summer break and practiced Habit #7 – Sharpening the Saw. My name is Keri Wales, the proud principal of Estudillo Elementary. We are delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. We welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education. Estudillo Elementary Staff looks forward to working with you and your children as we place our dedicated and laser focus on literacy and positive school attendance. 

A crucial part of success for students is attendance.  As a parent or guardian, you must maintain an attitude that “Every Day Counts” for students to be in school and ready to learn daily.  At Estudillo, we will assist in helping parents and families understand the importance of instructional time and school attendance.  Additionally, we recognize that family and community support are integral to our success.   

We are committed to excellence and will continue providing the best learning experiences possible to allow your children to achieve socially, emotionally, and academically at high levels. Our office is open from 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily. I welcome your telephone calls or emails with any ideas or concerns you may have in support of your child and to promote the ongoing effectiveness of our outstanding school as we work together to educate and empower our students.

We are so fortunate at Estudillo to be a Lighthouse Leader In Me campus. Our staff is extremely passionate about honoring the unique differences that we each possess and cultivating student leaders. Please ask your child to teach you about Stephen Covey's 7 Habits throughout the school year. We will set goals, track our progress, and empower today's learners to become tomorrow's leaders!  We are thrilled to instill Eagle pride in our students and partner with you in their education. 


Where leaders lead,

Keri Wales
